
SMEs, Regional Development and Policy Studies Research Team

The SMEs, Regional Development and Policy Studies team is formed to execute research that focuses on socio-economic issues in rural regions. The team is particularly interested in learning the dynamics of rural industries from the industrial life-cycle point of view, as well as business model innovations of SMEs in times of crisis. Some substantive research questions that the team is investigating include: 1) How to revitalise “left-behind” regions in Taiwan; 2) How rural businesses (e.g. pineapple farming) can be resilient and safeguard their business interests in times of significant industrial value migration; 3) How those affected by the Covid-19 outbreak plan the restarting/recovery of their business in the post-pandemic crisis; and 4) The role of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in empowering rural SMEs (skills/tacit knowledge or traditions that are passed down through the generations). Our scope of research covers scoping reviews and theoretical development, reviews of regional development policy and empirical analysis. Our researchers are dedicated to addressing some of the key issues facing rural communities. They are passionate and carry an outreach mission to improve civic engagement in the rural communities.

Research Posts

Resilience? A comparative study of the policy responding to the COVID-19( Part_2 )
v1.1_Presentation_Mar_30_2022_resilience_policy_study_ESG_Center_ChuanDownload Chuan Huang Research team: Rural Development and Revitalization
Discussed Between Pathways of Regional Transformation and Industry4.0 & Knowledge Structures of City Innovation Systems: Singapore and Hong Kong as Supplementary Material
Abstract Two selected articles for weekly discussion are De Propris, L., et al. (2021)’s Pathways of regional transformation and Industry 4.0 as main reading material and …
Resilience? A comparative study of the policy responding to the COVID-19(Part_1)
Abstract Since January 2020, the COVID-19 has spread in worldwide. In the first year of the pandemic, Taiwan got praised by its low infected and death …
An Assessment of transformation and upgrading of tea industry in Fujian
Abstract As one of the three most consumed and loved non-alcoholic beverages globally, tea originated in China and is one of China’s most important cash crops. …
Resilience or Resistance: A comparative study of the policy for the COVID-19 in Malaysia and Taiwan
Since January 2020, the COVID-19 has spread in worldwide. Taiwan, an island with less than 1000 cases in 2020, earned praise by its success story. However, …
What is happening in the old local industry? a case study of textile industry in Taiwan
1. Introduction Textile industry in Taiwan seems to have declined recently. According to the  “Overview of Textile Industry in Taiwan in 2019”, which was released by …
Pineapple Production and Marketing Groups in the Time of Pandemic
In response to changes in the overall social environment and the transformation of agricultural economic activities, Taiwan’s agricultural organization has become a trend. Taiwan became one …
The business model transformation from traditional tea industry to modern tea beverages businesses – make Fujian tea industry as a representative
Tea is the largest category of beverage consumption in China, and the per capita consumption of tea continues to grow. Based on China's long-standing tea culture …
What is happening in the old local industry: Case study of textile industry in Taiwan- A framework based on comparable cases
Textile industry in Taiwan seems to have declined in recent decades. The gross production from 2005 to 2019 declined 27.7%. In addition, the export of textile …
What is happening in the old regional industry: Case study of textile industry in Taiwan
Keywords Textile Industry, Regional Industry, Old industry Abstract Textile industry in Taiwan seems to have declined in recent decades. The gross production from 2005 to 2019 …
The Political Crisis of Taiwan’s Pineapples: Development of Pineapple Industry in Taiwan
With the changes in society and culture, the meaning of food is no longer just a biological necessity. The meaning of food is rooted in the …
The Political Crisis of Taiwan’s Pineapple Industry: Discussion on Countermeasures and Roles of CSOs
Background of the Issue At the end of this February, China’s unilateral decision that they would ban Taiwanese pineapple imports from March 1 st . However, …